Specializing in helping You Access your Awesomeness... Naturally.
#AccessYourAwesomnessNaturally #NaturalAntiAging #LifestyleImprovement

Published in Natural Awakenings Magazine Twin Cities
"The Esogetics’ OGT And Kirlian EEA"
by SchaOn Blodgett, CCP, BTAT
"Non-diagnostic iridology is a way of looking at the eyes, including the iris, and seeing what is believed to be potential expressions of the soul in the physical form—or another way to look at it—genetic information and its potential expression. Some newer ways to analyze the system have also emerged, like the Kirlian Energy Emission Analysis (EEA)."
Read Full ArticlePublished in January 2020 edition on page 22.

Published in Natural Awakenings Magazine Twin Cities
"Esogetics and Colorpuncture: Effective Forms of Naturopathy"
by SchaOn Blodgett, CCP, BTAT
Esogetic Holistic Medicine and Colorpuncture are forms of naturopathy that Peter Mandel began developing in the 1970s along with Biophysicist Fritz-Albert Popp, Ph.D., and encompass knowledge from the wide range of natural health treatment systems, including acupuncture, chromotherapy and others, all rolled into one complete system.
Read Full ArticlePublished in May 2018 edition on page 24.

• Bring clarity back into your life
• Start address long-standing or new issues
• Find relief from your underlying life patters
✓ Follows MN CAM Laws
(MN Statute 146A)
✓ Diverse Training
✓ Conventient Hours & Location

We’re in the Top 100 for Alternative Health Blogs for 2018!
Psinergy Natural Health & Holistic Wellness is honored to announce that it has earned a place in the Top 100 Alternative Health Blogs for 2018 by Lost Empire Herbs. Last year Lost Empire Herbs had published the Top 50 Herbal Blogs list and decided to continue with the practice for the future.
Read about the Honor!

With a strong focus on natural Anti-Aging techniques, we offer empirical and science-based natural health therapies from modalities including:
- Esogetics & Colorpuncture,
- Brainspotting™,
- Complex Homeopathy,
- Biofeedback with Rife technology,
- Ozone therapies,
- as well as basic Ayurvedic Medicine
- ...are all customized for you and your needs.
Additionally, we offer more spiritual or energy-based therapies like Crystal Healing from Esogetics and the Sephirah in the Tree of Life, Access Consciousness Bars, Emotion Code, and the I-Ching as well as classes to help fill in other gaps helping to create a complete solution for your everyday needs.
Our therapist, SchaOn, is continuously taking additional courses, classes, up-date-trainings, continuing education, and studying so we can continue to bring you the best that natural medicine has to offer.
We also have other therapists in our office that offer CranioSacral Therapy, Somato Emotional Release, Healing Touch and more!
In our clinic, we carry a wide variety of herbs and supplements and other holistic health items for your wellness needs, more are also available via our Online Dispensary which offers fast, low cost, or even free shipping options, from top brands like:
- Banyan Botanicals
- Vital Nutrients
- Douglas Laboratories
- Designed for Health
- DEVA (specializing in Vegan supplements)
- Metagenics
- Energetix
- Auromere
- and many others.
- Banyan Botanicals
We also carry more 'spiritual' items like select aromatherapy & ayurvedic incense, yantras, Affirmation & Blessed Herbal candles by Coventry Creations, Magical Oils designed by Grey Dragons Lair, Esogetics tools, and other select items. All of the items in our in-office area changes out from season to season depending on what the nature calls for. If you have any questions if we have something on hand, please feel free to give us a call, or stop on in. Find out more about our in-office and online dispensary.
Esogetics Holistic Medicine (Colorpuncture) is a naturopathic healing system that is gentle and non-invasive. Esogetics combines the wisdom of the ages and "old world" knowledge with the newer scientific understandings of today, producing a very profound natural healing system that is reproducible and exact.
"Where you look affects how you feel."
Brainspotting (BSP), made popular by the mental health community, is a focused treatment method that works by identifying, processing, and releasing core neurophysiological sources of psychoemotional body pain, traumas, dissociations, and a variety of other challenging symptoms.
"Food as Medicine"
Ayurveda is the oldest form of medicine known dating back over 5,000 years in India. Ayurveda focuses on Food, Digestion and Daily Practices to optimize your well-being.
Access Consciousness and the Access Bars are believed to help release the various thoughts, feelings, emotions, ideas, and belief structures that hold you back through 32-points on the head.
Please note, this is not massage.
Usui Reiki, the original form of Reiki, is an energetic healing modality that is said to use "Intelligent" energy through the use of symbols to assist in making shifts in the bioenergetic system of an individual.
Please note, this is not massage.
Releasing the Magnetic Imprint of Trapped Emotions
The Emotion Code system holds the belief that the idea of "Trapped Emotions" create a vibration or resonance that causes disharmony within the mind, body, and soul. Through the use of the techniques found in The Emotion Code, these trapped emotions are believed to be released.
The wellness routine presented in BodyTalk Access helps to re-establish internal lines of communication within the body-mind. This ultimately helps the individual have more resiliency towards stress and any other factors that can be detrimental to long term health.
One of the basic premises in natural medicine is that the reason "why" an issue has happened is different for each person, and a "one-size fits all" approach does not work when it comes to an individuals well being.